
George Ryton

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15 Aug 1948


Great Britain


Eurobrun, Ferrari, Forti, Tyrrell (1989-1996)

Involved in Formula 1 until the early 2000's as Minardi's technical consultant. George initially worked in Formula 1 for the Haas Lola team but when that project ended, he worked on chassis design for a while. As well as being a designer for four Grand Prix teams and a consultant for one, he worked for Ligier and then subsquently Prost in their research and development department. Ryton was the technical director of LGT Advanced Technology, a sustainable energy systems company after a spell as Head of Engineering at the Artificial Lift company, which despite its name, was involved in the oil industry. He is also a consultant design engineer for Go Vehicle Technology and for Evectek Limited and is more recently involved in renewable energy projects.

Biography last updated 29 Jan 2025