
Jimmy Kite

Jimmy Kite, IRL event, Kansas City, Kansas, 3rd July 2005. Copyright LAT Photographic (www.latphoto.co.uk), 2010. Used with permission.

Jimmy Kite, IRL event, Kansas City, Kansas, 3rd July 2005. Copyright LAT Photographic 2010. Used with permission.

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18 Feb 1976
Effingham, Illinois


United States

Indy 500s:

5 (1998-2007)

Now lives in Georgia and Indianapolis, although his family hails from Missouri. Without a drive in some while, he ran a business devoted to hobbies, like toy trains, planes and cars, but now runs Indy Line Stripe, a commerical pavement striping business. He also runs a motorsports public relations and communication business. Kite primarily raced in sprint cars, amongst others, in the USAC Silver Crown Series, but also had a brief foray in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series in 2005.

Biography last updated 28 May 2016