
Northeast Division SCCA Formula B 1977

Ken Duclos's domination of NEDiv continued with a remarkable seventh title in eight years. He again had the latest equipment, his Chevron B39 seeing off four March 77Bs in the Division. Joe Sposato came closest in his new 77B, followed by Rick Bell in his late-1976 Chevron B34. Peter Neumahr raced Frank Delvecchio's old March 73B in a couple of early-season Southeast Division Nationals before his new 77B arrived, and Eric Kerman again went well in his heavily updated 73B/75B.

RJ Nelkin's 12 points came from two early season SEDiv Nationals, and Bobby Brown's came from a single SEDiv win in April before moving into Can-Am. Bill Prout and Jim Morgan also scored points in those races as preparation for the Pro season. Jim Lyles had a freshly-rebuilt ex-Bill Scott Racing Chevron B34. Among the mysteries is Mike Lilley's ancient Tecno.

Final standings

1. Ken DuclosChevron [B39]New England54 pts 
2. Joe SposatoMarch [77B]New York42 pts 
3. Rick BellChevron [B34]New England32 pts 
4. Peter NeumahrMarch [73B & 77B]New York23 pts 
5. Eric KermanMarch [73B/75B?]New England18 pts 
6. John HigginsChevron [B29]NNJ15 pts 
7. Robert J. NelkinMarch [77B]New York12 pts 
8. Bobby BrownMarch [76B]New York9 pts 
9. William Prout JrMarch [76B]New England9 pts 
10. Ken ValanChevron [B27?]Philadelphia8 pts 
11. Brad Abbott"Lola" [March 77B]New York7 pts 
12. John ConnollyChevron [B27]New York6 pts 
13. Gerald LiebergMarch [722]New England5 pts 
14. James MorganMarch [76B]Glen4 pts 
15. Robert SilvestroLotus [69B]New York4 pts 
16. Lyle HeckChevron [B29]Blue Mntn4 pts 
17. James LylesChevron [B34]Washington DC3 pts 
18. Giovanni DistasioMarch [75B]NNJ3 pts 
19. John MortensenMarch [76B]New England2 pts 
20. Paul CorazzoChevron [B27]New England1 pt   
21. Carmelo CrisafulliBrabham [BT38B]New York1 pt   
22. Mike LilleyTecnoGlen1 pt   

Formula C

Carl Whitney won NEDiv in his Ralt RT1, but only narrowly from Mike Rand's Modus M1, both with BDJ engines. In a very competitive division, Dirk Wrightson and Peter Gates had converted GRD Formula 3 cars, and John Sley and Larry Snover had a couple of converted Formula B Brabham BT40s.

Final standings

1. Carl WhitneyRalt [RT1]New England51 pts 
2. Mike RandModus [M1-BDJ]New England48 pts 
3. Dirk WrightsonGRD [373/375]New England33 pts 
4. R Peter GatesGRD [375]Washington DC17 pts 
5. John SleyBrabham [BT40-BDJ]Washington DC10 pts 
6. Larry YeagerBrabham [BT29-SCC]Blue Mntn10 pts 
7. Walter NelsonLotus [59/69]New England9 pts 
8. Larry SnoverBrabham [BT40-BDJ]Blue Mntn6 pts 
9. Paul ThomasBrabham [BT29]New England4 pts 
10. F Nelson PetryBarnelPhiladelphia3 pts 

Northeast Division SCCA Nationals in 1977

15 May 1977Pocono (road course)Tri-Region (NE Penn, Philadelphia & South Jersey)
29 May 1977Bryar Motorsport ParkNew England Region
12 Jun 1977Nelson LedgesSteel Cities Region
26 Jun 1977Summit PointWashington DC Region
04 Jul 1977Lime RockNorthern New Jersey Region
17 Jul 1977Watkins GlenFinger Lakes Region
24 Jul 1977Pocono (road course)Tri-Region (NE Penn, Philadelphia & South Jersey)
31 Jul 1977Nelson LedgesMahoning Valley Region
14 Aug 1977Watkins GlenGlen Region
05 Sep 1977Lime RockNew England Region
18 Sep 1977BridgehamptonNew York Region

Northeast Division SCCA Regionals in 1977

23 Apr 1977Lime RockNew York Region
24 Apr 1977Summit PointWashington DC Region
30 Apr 1977Lime RockNew England Region
15 May 1977Pocono (road course)Tri-Region (NE Penn, Philadelphia & South Jersey)
22 May 1977Summit PointWashington DC Region
29 May 1977Nelson LedgesWestern New York Region
30 May 1977Bryar Motorsport ParkNew England Region
04 Jun 1977BridgehamptonNorthern New Jersey Region
05 Jun 1977Watkins GlenGlen Region
12 Jun 1977Thompson SpeedwayNew England Region
19 Jun 1977BridgehamptonNew York Region
03 Jul 1977Nelson LedgesMisery Bay Region
17 Jul 1977Watkins GlenFinger Lakes Region
17 Jul 1977BridgehamptonNew York Region
23 Jul 1977Lime RockNew England Region
24 Jul 1977Summit PointWashington DC Region
30 Jul 1977Lime RockMohawk Hudson Region
07 Aug 1977Pocono (road course)Tri-Region (NE Penn, Philadelphia & South Jersey)
07 Aug 1977BridgehamptonNew York Region
13 Aug 1977Lime RockNorthern New Jersey Region
21 Aug 1977Thompson SpeedwayNew England Region
28 Aug 1977Watkins GlenGlen Region
28 Aug 1977Nelson LedgesSteel Cities Region
05 Sep 1977Lime RockNew England Region
11 Sep 1977BridgehamptonNew York Region
18 Sep 1977Summit PointWashington DC Region
25 Sep 1977Nelson LedgesSteel Cities Region
25 Sep 1977Bryar Motorsport ParkNew England Region
08 Oct 1977Lime RockNorthern New Jersey Region
09 Oct 1977Nelson LedgesMahoning Valley Region
15 Oct 1977Lime RockNew York Region
16 Oct 1977Watkins GlenFinger Lakes Region
16 Oct 1977Summit PointWashington DC Region
23 Oct 1977Nelson LedgesWestern New York Region

Northeast Division sources

Most of our knowledge of NEDiv racing comes from the SCCA's Sports Car magazine and from Competition Press & Autoweek. We are very keen to acquire or borrow 1960s, 1970s and 1980s copies of SCCA regional publications from this Division. These include:

  • Pit Talk (New England Region) - full archive available at pittalk.org
  • The Drift (Steel Cities Region)
  • Knock Off (Mohawk Hudson Region) - full archive available at mohud-scca.org
  • Regional Review (New York Region)
  • Spark Plug (Glen Region)
  • The Bulletin (North Carolina Region - full archive available at ncrscca.com.
  • The Spokesmen (Philadelphia Region)
  • The Straightpipe (Washington DC Region)
  • Top End Magazine (Finger Lakes Region)

Three regionals have scanned all copies of their newsletters and made them available online: New England Region's 'Pit Talk', Mohawk Hudson Region's 'Knock Off', and North Carolina Region's 'The Bulletin'.

Additionally, Racing Magazine was published as a Lime Rock track magazine.

We are also keen to get scans of entry lists from SCCA Nationals in this Division.