
Southeast Division SCCA Formula B 1971

Jim Grob retained his Chevron B15B and in the absence of Hugh Kleinpeter comfortably won the Southeast title. Gene Mason and Steve Mandy, both transplanted from Northeast Division, took the other two places for the Runoffs.

Steve Mandy also scored 4 points in Northeast Division but qualified for the Runoffs through Southeast Division. Dr Mandy was recorded as having a March, but only ever had a Chevron B15b. Grob went one better with a brand new B20 for the Runoffs. The Division's other B15b, that of Hugh Kleinpeter, had gone to Dave Yoder but he didn't score points in 1971. Also racing in the southeast at Regional level was former Beach racer Dr Ray Mummery who had acquired the Palliser-Winkelmann WDB3 that Hugh Dibley had raced at Sebring the previous October.

Final standings

1. Jim GrobChevron [B15B]Florida33 pts
2. Gene MasonTecnoCent. Carolinas14 pts
3. Steve Mandy"March" [Chevron B15b]Florida8 pts 
4. Don FloresBrabham [BT21]Gator6 pts 

† Indicates total includes points earned out of home division.

Southeast Division SCCA Nationals in 1971

09 May 1971Savannah International RacewayGator Region
01 Aug 1971DaytonaCentral Florida Region
28 Aug 1971Palm Beach International RacewayFlorida Region
26 Sep 1971Road AtlantaAtlanta Region

When Sports Car published the standings for Southeast Division as of 10 October 1971, just these four Nationals were listed: Savannah, Daytona, PBIR and Atlanta. This was not shown as being the final standings but as the 10 October weekend was the last weekend for Nationals to be scheduled, it seems clear that it must have been.

Southeast Division sources

What we know of Southeast Division racing in this period comes from Competition Press & Autoweek's reports on SCCA Nationals and the SCCA's own Sports Car magazine. We are keen to learn more and are therefore very keen to acquire or borrow 1960s, 1970s and 1980s copies of SCCA regional publications from this Division. The known ones are:

  • The Checker (Central Florida Region)
  • CARolina Newsletter (Central Carolina Region)
  • The Racket (Tennessee Valley Region)
  • Regional Notes (Florida Region)
  • Rich Mixture (Southern West Virginia Region)
  • Sowega Newsletter (Sowega Region - became Chavaga Region in 1968)
  • Sports Racing News (Alabama Region)
  • Steering Wheel (Atlanta Region)

North Carolina Region, which moved from NEDiv to SEDiv in the late 1960s, has made its newsletter available online at the NCR website.

We are also keen to get scans of entry lists from SCCA Nationals in this Division.