
Northeast Division SCCA Formula B 1971

Formula B continued to grow in the north east, with 20 cars scoring points in the 1971 season. The Glen Nationals in August attracted 25 entries, including 14 Formula Bs. While 1970 had been an even fight between a number of regions, with five clubs represented in the top six places, 1971 was dominated by New England Region, especially by Lotus importer Fred Stevenson and his customer Bob Hebert. Stevenson had the latest 1971-spec Lotus 69 FB car while Hebert's, although described as a 69, may have been his 1970 59B updated.

Michael Rand had bought Matt Spitzley's Brabham BT29 and finished third ahead of John Sirmons who had bought one of the latest - and rather disappointing - Lola T240s. Also in brand new cars were Nick Craw (Brabham BT35) and Chuck Sarich (Lola T240). New FB constructor March continued to make progress in Northeast with Steve Mandy, Seb Barone, Joe Grimaldi and John Girdler all running 1970 or 1971 Marchs. Chevron was represented by Tom Outcault and Craig Fisher, both in one-year-old Chevron B17Bs.

Final standings

1. WP Fred StevensonLotus [69]New England54 pts 
2. Bob HebertLotus ['69B']New England41 pts 
3. Mike RandBrabham [BT29]New England35 pts 
4. John F. SirmonsLola [T240]New England16 pts 
5. Wayne RicciardiBrabham [BT29]NNJ16 pts 
6. Nick CrawBrabham [BT35]Washington DC15 pts 
7. Tom OutcaultChevron [B17B]NNJ13 pts 
8. Chuck SarichLola [T240]Washington DC12 pts
9. John GirdlerMarch [71BM]New York10 pts 
10. Craig FisherChevron [B17B]NNJ4 pts 
11. Steve Mandy"March" [Chevron B15b]New England4 pts 
12. Seb BaroneMarch [705]New England4 pts 
13. Dave OberBrabham [BT29]New England4 pts 
14. Ken DuclosBrabham [BT29]New England3 pts 
15. Tom ReddyBrabham [BT29]New England3 pts 
16. Roger BarrCrosslĂ©New England2 pts 
17. Philip GeraldiBrabham [BT29]New York2 pts 
18. Joe GrimaldiMarch [71BM]NNJ2 pts 
19. Ted ThomasBrabham [BT21C?]Steel Cities2 pts
20. Ted CoconisLotus [69]New England1 pt   

† Indicates total includes points earned out of home division.

Northeast Division SCCA Nationals in 1971

18 Apr 1971Summit PointWashington DC Region
02 May 1971BridgehamptonNew York Region
16 May 1971Cumberland AirfieldSteel Cities Region
29 May 1971Lime RockNew York Region
13 Jun 1971Thompson SpeedwayNew England Region
05 Jul 1971Lime RockNorthern New Jersey Region
18 Jul 1971Pocono (road course)Tri-Region (NE Penn, Philadelphia & South Jersey)
01 Aug 1971Nelson LedgesSteel Cities Region
14 Aug 1971Watkins GlenGlen Region
05 Sep 1971Bryar Motorsport ParkNew England Region
26 Sep 1971Nelson LedgesMahoning Valley Region
09 Oct 1971Summit PointWashington DC Region

Regional championships

The North Atlantic Road Racing Championship started in 1971, replacing the previous Area 1 Championship.

Northeast Division sources

Most of our knowledge of NEDiv racing comes from the SCCA's Sports Car magazine and from Competition Press & Autoweek. We are very keen to acquire or borrow 1960s, 1970s and 1980s copies of SCCA regional publications from this Division. These include:

  • Pit Talk (New England Region) - full archive available at pittalk.org
  • The Drift (Steel Cities Region)
  • Knock Off (Mohawk Hudson Region) - full archive available at mohud-scca.org
  • Regional Review (New York Region)
  • Spark Plug (Glen Region)
  • The Bulletin (North Carolina Region - full archive available at ncrscca.com.
  • The Spokesmen (Philadelphia Region)
  • The Straightpipe (Washington DC Region)
  • Top End Magazine (Finger Lakes Region)

Three regionals have scanned all copies of their newsletters and made them available online: New England Region's 'Pit Talk', Mohawk Hudson Region's 'Knock Off', and North Carolina Region's 'The Bulletin'.

Additionally, Racing Magazine was published as a Lime Rock track magazine.

We are also keen to get scans of entry lists from SCCA Nationals in this Division.