
Northeast Division SCCA Formula B 1970

Fred Opert focused his efforts on his three-car team in the 'pro' series so the NEDiv field was smaller in 1970. Ken Duclos won the title from Bob Welch, both drivers using Brabham BT29s and both shunning the 'Pro' series. Gene Mason was third in a Tecno left over from his collapsed two-car team intended for the Pro series and the only other leading runner was Bob Hebert in a Lotus 59B.

Dexter Farley (Waldorf, MD) also had a new BT29 and Fred Harris (New York, NY) had a drive in Dale Lang's BT29, winning at Lime Rock in July. The other Brabham to score points was the unknown vehicle of Ted Thomas (Bethel Park, PA). Variety was provided by the Crosslé 14F of Mal Donaldson and Richard Pazara's mystery Stanguellini. One completely new name appeared in Northeastern FB in 1970, that of new British constructor March. Charlie Gibson drove a new March 705 but without noticeable success.

Final standings

1. Ken DuclosBrabham (BT29)New England48 pts 
2. Bob WelchBrabham (BT29)Washington DC42 pts
3. Gene MasonTecnoPhiladelphia33 pts
4. Bob HebertLotus (59B)New England29 pts 
5. Mal DonaldsonCrosslĂ© (14F)New York10 pts 
6. Richard PazaraStanguelliniSteel Cities10 pts 
7. Fred HarrisBrabham (BT29)New York9 pts 
8. Dexter FarleyBrabham BT29Washington DC9 pts 
9. Ted ThomasBrabham [BT21C?]Steel Cities7 pts
10. Vincent DileoLotus 59CNew England5 pts 
11. Jack CowellWinkelmann [WDB2]NNJ4 pts 
12. Charles T. GibsonMarch 705New York4 pts 
13. George FaraghanCrosslĂ© [12F]South Jersey3 pts 
14. Philip GeraldiLeGrandNew York2 pts 

† Indicates total includes points earned out of home division.

Regional championships

The Area 1 Championship continued in 1970, but would be renamed the North Atlantic Road Racing Championship for 1971.

1970 Schedule

12 Apr 1970Summit PointWashington Region
03 May 1970Pocono (road course)Pocono Nationals (Northeast Pennsylvania Region)
17 May 1970Cumberland AirfieldSteel Cities Region
30 May 1970Lime RockNew York Region
14 Jun 1970Thompson SpeedwayNew England Region
05 Jul 1970Lime RockNorthern New Jersey Region
02 Aug 1970Nelson LedgesSteel Cities Region
16 Aug 1970Watkins GlenGlen Region
06 Sep 1970Bryar Motorsport ParkNew England Region
20 Sep 1970Summit PointWashington Region

Northeast Division sources

Most of our knowledge of NEDiv racing comes from the SCCA's Sports Car magazine and from Competition Press & Autoweek. We are very keen to acquire or borrow 1960s, 1970s and 1980s copies of SCCA regional publications from this Division. These include:

  • Pit Talk (New England Region) - full archive available at pittalk.org
  • The Drift (Steel Cities Region)
  • Knock Off (Mohawk Hudson Region) - full archive available at mohud-scca.org
  • Regional Review (New York Region)
  • Spark Plug (Glen Region)
  • The Bulletin (North Carolina Region - full archive available at ncrscca.com.
  • The Spokesmen (Philadelphia Region)
  • The Straightpipe (Washington DC Region)
  • Top End Magazine (Finger Lakes Region)

Three regionals have scanned all copies of their newsletters and made them available online: New England Region's 'Pit Talk', Mohawk Hudson Region's 'Knock Off', and North Carolina Region's 'The Bulletin'.

Additionally, Racing Magazine was published as a Lime Rock track magazine.

We are also keen to get scans of entry lists from SCCA Nationals in this Division.