
Southwest Division SCCA Formula A 1965

During 1964, Harry Washburn had raced an ex-F1 ex-Hap Sharp Cooper T53 in events in the Southwest but one car does not make a class and no evidence has yet been found that it raced on into 1965. Also in the area was the De Tomaso "Formula Indy" that had been bought by the Mecom team.

Both these cars would return later but for now there was no Formula A activity in SWDiv.

1965 Schedule

14 Mar 1965Seguin AirfieldAlamo Region
04 Apr 1965Chennault Field (Lake Charles Airfield)Southwest Louisiana Region
09 May 1965Hammond AirportDelta Region
10 Jun 1965Green Valley RacewayTexas Region
27 Jun 1965Kingsville AirfieldSouth Texas Border Region
01 Aug 1965Opelousas (St Landry)Central Louisiana Region
14 Aug 1965Austin Raceway ParkAlamo Region

Southwest Division sources

Coverage of SWDiv was much slimmer in Competition Press & Autoweek than for other Divisions. To make the historian's life even more difficult, a couple of the Regions that organised National events do not appear to have had their own newsletters for much of this period: Alamo Region in Texas and Central Louisiana Region in Louisiana. The known Regional publications are:

  • Deltagram (Delta Region)
  • Journal (San Jacinto Region)
  • Lone Star Draft (Lone Star Region) - from 1979
  • Roundup (Texas Region)
  • Spinout (Southwest Louisiana Region) - from 1978
  • Border Bulletin (South Texas Border Region)

For much of the 1960s, the most important publication for this area was Southwest Racing News, published from 1963 onwards by Bill Gay from Dallas and running on until at least 1974. We are exceedingly keen to acquire copies of any of these.

We are also keen to get scans of entry lists from all SCCA Nationals and Regionals in this Division.