
Brian Robertson crosses the line in his Brabham BT35 at Mont-Trembland in August 1971 to win the Players Formula Atlantic Series Race.  Copyright Bruce Stewart 2017.  Used with permission.

Canadian Formula A/B/Atlantic 1969-1977

The Canadian Road Racing Championship was first organised by CASC as a series for sports car racing in the early 1960s but it achieved little coverage or recognition until the end of the decade when Gulf Canada stepped in to sponsor a revised championship. CASC were persuaded by Peter Broeker to move to single-seater racing for 1969 and to adopt the SCCA's 1600cc Formula B class, but after pressure from the Ontario region, the new 5-litre Formula A cars were also included.

A number of Canada's top drivers entered the series, Bill Brack, George Eaton and Eppie Wietzes proving the most competitive but they were ably supported by Horst Kroll, Al Pease and Nat Adams. Wietzes won the first title in his Lola T142 and swapped to a McLaren M10B for 1970, winning more comfortably that season. Brack acquired a new Lola T142 and Ludwig Heimrath a McLaren but there was insufficient depth on the Formula A class and most of the exciting racing was in the cheaper and flourishing Formula B class. In Formula A, the prize money available wasn't enough to cover expenses. For 1971, CASC dropped Formula A and continued just with the 1600cc cars.


(The 1968 Eastern Zone season): Harewood Acres, Mont-Tremblant, (Mont-Tremblant), Harewood Acres, Harewood Acres, Mont-Tremblant, Mosport Park, Trois-Rivières

The 1969 season: Mosport Park, Mont-Tremblant, Edmonton, Westwood, MacDonald Airport, Harewood Acres, Trois-Rivières, Harewood Acres, Mosport Park

The 1970 season: Harewood Acres, Westwood, Edmonton, Rockcliffe Airfield, Harewood Acres, Trois-Rivières, Mosport Park

The 1971 season: Edmonton, Mont-Tremblant, Mont-Tremblant, Trois-Rivières, Mosport Park, Westwood

(The 1971 Molson Quebec season): Mont-Tremblant, Mont-Tremblant, Mont-Tremblant, Mont-Tremblant, Trois-Rivières, Mont-Tremblant, Circuit Ste-Croix

The 1972 season: Sanair, (Sanair), Edmonton, Westwood, Circuit Ste-Croix, Gimli, (Trois-Rivières), Debert, Sanair, Mosport Park

The 1973 season: Westwood, Edmonton, Sanair, Mosport Park, Debert, Gimli, (Mosport Park), (Trois-Rivières)

The 1974 season: Westwood, Edmonton, Gimli, Mosport Park, Sanair, St Johns, Halifax, (Trois-Rivières)

Unfortunately, Canada lacked a reliable motor racing publication of record during this period - Canadian Track & Traffic often displaying an almost peverse unwillingness to comment or report on the national championship - so records are patchy.

Please email Allen if you have any material on Canadian racing during this period.