
Bob Sweikert

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20 May 1926
Los Angeles, California


17 Jun 1956
Salem, Indiana


United States

Grands Prix:

5 (1952-1956)

Indy 500s:

5 (1950-1956)

Indy winner and American Champion of 1955, he died in a crash at Salem raceway. Although born in Los Angeles, he grew up further north in the State, in Hayward, California. Served in the Air Force in World War 2 and then became a car salesman and mechanic in Hayward, when he decided to enter his roadster that he built himself in a few races in 1947. He performed better than initially expected and this paved the way to a very successful sprint car career, with many battles against friend Pat O'Connor.

Biography last updated 3 Aug 2015